About the Journal

The Journal of Multidisciplinary Graduate Research (JMGR) is an open-access, on-line publication of the College of Education at Sam Houston State University (SHSU). The journal is supported by the doctoral and master’s programs in the SHSU College of Education.

The Journal of Multidisciplinary Graduate Research (JMGR) is designed to provide a venue for doctoral and master’s students to begin publishing research in a peer-reviewed, academic journal. JMGR aims to disseminate researched topics, promising practices, and theoretical perspectives of interest to scholars and practitioners in a variety of disciplines.

JMGR is committed to the promotion of graduate student research. To ensure this commitment, only graduate students (or recent graduates) may have first authorship on publications. Faculty mentors and advisors are encouraged to promote manuscript submission and participate in subsequent authorship. Additionally, graduate students may participate as JMGR reviewers and serve as representatives on the editorial board.

Manuscripts summarizing doctoral dissertations are particularly welcome. High quality master’s theses and research papers may also be submitted for review and consideration.